The Plains Agency
Literary Agency | Licensing Specialists
Dedicated to Writers and the Appropriate Exploitation of Ingenuity
If you’re writing what you think will sell, stop it. Stop it right now. Write what you love. Characters you love. The writing will be better. Always.
– Christi Cardenas
About Us
aka Who We Are
Literary Representation. Christi Cardenas founded The Plains Agency in 2008 after having spent the previous twelve years working with another literary agency. The focus for The Plains Agency today is on both commercial and literary fiction as well as books reflecting what’s current in popular culture, lifestyle and what is typically categorized as how-to. We represent projects we love and respect every inquiry that comes across our desk as we understand what’s involved in taking the step of asking someone to read what has been so painstakingly put on the page. Even if a project isn’t right for us, we encourage all to keep at their craft and be tenacious in finding suitable representation.
We’re fortunate to have several great partners on both coasts to assist with film and television interests as well as having aligned with the leading foreign agencies when translation rights are reserved on behalf of our authors.
If you’re perusing this site considering The Plains Agency for representation, we have three recommendations for you. First, read, read, read, and read. We’ve never met a stellar writer that isn’t a voracious reader. Second, while doing all that reading include Stephen King’s, On Writing. Just do it. And finally? Woo us with your query. Don’t tell us what you wrote, show us. Give us a sense of who you are while putting yourself out there. The query letter should take as much thought, angst, care as the first and last paragraph of your work.
Credits: We have worked with and/or represented such well known individuals and companies as Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman, Robert Krammes, Jeff Corwin, Michael Keith, The Scripps Networks (Food, HGTV, DIY), Universal Studios, Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox, Electric Entertainment, Marvel, DC Comics, Hasbro, National Public Radio, Pillsbury/General Mills, Ameriprise, Margaret Weis Productions, and Magpie Games.
Let’s Chat
If you’re pitching a book, please personalize your query and include the first ten pages of your project in the message below. We are not currently taking on children’s or middle grade projects at this time.
Please note, although in the past we’ve done our best to respond to all queries, due to a significant increase in those reaching out, we’ve made the difficult decision to state that if you don’t hear from us within 90 days of submitting your query, it’s because your work is not a fit for our list.